
Story of Hamsa, the Vehicle of Saraswati

Goddess Saraswati Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, creativity, and wisdom. She has a white swan or hansa , as her vehicle. Thus she is also known as Hansavahini , one who has the swan as her vehicle. The hamsa represents the following. Purity and Transcendence : The white swan is often depicted as being immaculate and graceful, symbolizing purity and transcendence. This purity is reflective of Saraswati's role as the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity. As seekers pursue knowledge and enlightenment, they aspire to emulate the swan's purity in their quest. Discernment and Discrimination : The swan is believed to possess the ability to separate milk from a mixture of milk and water, symbolizing discernment and discrimination between truth and illusion. Similarly, Saraswati is revered for bestowing her devotees with the wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Creativity and Inspiration : Saraswati, often depicted riding on a whit

The Story of Veermani, For Whom Shiva Came to Fight Rama

Story of Shri Ram Janmbhoomi

Story of Ramayana as a Pangram

Story of Aruna, the charioteer of Surya

Story of Ahalya, her beauty became a curse

Story of Mandodari, Queen of Lanka.